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Read Ouster point cloud frame from ROS message

Since R2024a


ptCloud = readFrame(ousterReader) reads the next point cloud frame from the Ouster® ROS messages and returns a pointCloud object. The next point cloud frame is the first point cloud available at or after the value of the CurrentTime property of the Ouster ROS message reader object ousterReader.

ptCloud = readFrame(ousterReader,frameNumber) reads the point cloud with the specified frame number from the Ouster ROS messages.

ptCloud = readFrame(ousterReader,frameTime) reads the first point cloud available at or after the specified timestamp frameTime.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Ouster ROS message reader, specified as a ousterROSMessageReader object.

Frame number of the desired point cloud, specified as a positive integer. Frame numbers are sequential in the ousterROSMesasgeReader object.

Frame time of the desired point cloud, specified as a duration scalar in seconds. The function return the first frame available at or after the specified timestamp.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Point cloud, returned as pointCloud object.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a