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Convert T-parameters to S-parameters


s_params = t2s(t_params) converts the chain scattering parameters to the scattering parameters.



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Define a matrix of T-parameters.

t11 =  0.138451095405929   - 0.230421317393041i;
t21 = -0.0451985986689165  + 0.157626245839348i;
t12 =  0.0353675449261375  + 0.115682026931012i;
t22 = -0.00194567217559662 - 0.0291212122613417i;
t_params = [t11 t12; t21 t22];

Convert T-parameters to S-parameters.

s_params = t2s(t_params)
s_params = 2×2 complex

  -0.5892 + 0.1579i   0.0372 + 0.0335i
   1.9159 + 3.1887i   0.3011 - 0.3344i

Input Arguments

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2N-port T-parameters, specified as a 2N-by-2N-by-M array of complex numbers (since R2023a), where M represents the number of frequency points for the 2N-port T-parameters.

This function defines the T-parameters as



  • a1 is the incident wave at the first port.

  • b1 is the reflected wave at the first port.

  • a2 is the incident wave at the second port.

  • b2 is the reflected wave at the second port.

Output Arguments

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2N-port S-parameters, returned as a 2N-by-2N-by-M array of complex numbers (since R2023a), where M represents the number of frequency points for the 2N-port S-Parameters.


[1] Gonzalez, Guillermo, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design, 2nd edition. Prentice-Hall, 1997, p. 25.

[2] D. A. Frickey. "Conversions between S, Z, Y, H, ABCD, and T parameters which are valid for complex source and load impedances". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 205-211. Feb. 1994, doi: 10.1109/22.275248.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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See Also

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