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De-embed 2N-port S-parameters



s2_params = deembedsparams(s_params,s1_params,s3_params) de-embeds s2_params from cascaded S-parameters s_params, by removing the effects of s1_params and s3_params. deembedsparams assumes that you are using the port ordering shown here:

Port order: 1,N,N+1, and 2N in a network

This function is ideal for situations in which the S-parameters of a DUT (device under test) must be de-embedded from S-parameters obtained through measurement.

hs2 = deembedsparams(hs,hs1,hs3) de-embeds S-parameter object, hs2 from the chain hs.


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Read measured S-parameters of the cascaded network from cascadedbackplanes.s4p

S_measuredBJT = sparameters('cascadedbackplanes.s4p');
freq = S_measuredBJT.Frequencies;

Re-order ports of the sparameters object to match the default port order assumed by the deembedsparams function.

Z0 = S_measuredBJT.Impedance;
S_measuredBJT = snp2smp(S_measuredBJT,[1 3 2 4],Z0);

Calculate the S-parameters of the left fixture of the network.

leftpad = circuit('left');
add(leftpad,[1 2],inductor(1e-9))
add(leftpad,[2 3],capacitor(100e-15))
setports(leftpad,[1 0],[3 0],[2 0],[3 0])
S_leftpad = sparameters(leftpad,freq)
S_leftpad = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 4
     Parameters: [4x4x1496 double]
    Frequencies: [1496x1 double]

Calculate the S-parameters of the right fixture of the network.

rightpad = circuit('right');
add(rightpad,[1 3],capacitor(100e-15))
add(rightpad,[1 2],inductor(1e-9))
setports(rightpad,[1 0],[3 0],[2 0],[3 0])
S_rightpad = sparameters(rightpad,freq)
S_rightpad = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 4
     Parameters: [4x4x1496 double]
    Frequencies: [1496x1 double]

De-embed the S-parameters of the DUT. The output is stored in S-DUT in MATLAB® workspace.

S_DUT = deembedsparams(S_measuredBJT,S_leftpad,S_rightpad)
S_DUT = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 4
     Parameters: [4x4x1496 double]
    Frequencies: [1496x1 double]

Input Arguments

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S-parameter data, specified as 2Nx2NxK arrays of K 2N-port S-parameters. s_params is the measured S-parameter array of the cascaded network. s1_params represents the first network of the cascade, and s3_params represents the third network. The function assumes that all networks in the cascade have the same reference impedance and are measured at the same frequencies. The function assumes the configuration of the cascade shown here:

Cascaded S-parameters

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

S-parameter objects, specified as 2N-port scalar handle objects, which can include numeric arrays of S-parameters. The function checks that the Frequencies and Impedance properties are the same for all three inputs.

Data Types: function_handle

Output Arguments

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S-parameter data, returned as 2Nx2NxK arrays of K 2N-port s-parameters, containing de-embedded S-parameters of the DUT (device under test).

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

S-parameter objects, returned as 2N-port scalar handle objects, containing de-embedded S-parameter objects of DUT (device under test).

Data Types: function_handle

Version History

Introduced before R2006a