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Frequency Domain Analysis

Group delay, power gain, VSWR, and stability reflection coefficients

Analyze the frequency domain behavior of an RF network. Calculate the group delay, power gain, VSWR, and stability reflection coefficients.


groupdelayGroup delay of S-parameter object or RF filter object or RF Toolbox circuit object
ispassiveCheck passivity of N-port S-parameters
makepassiveMake N-port S-parameters passive
freqrespFrequency response of rational object and rationalfit function object
gamma2zConvert reflection coefficient to impedance
gammamlCalculate load reflection coefficient of two-port network
gammamsCalculate source reflection coefficient of two-port network
gammaoutCalculate output reflection coefficient of two-port network
gammainCalculate input reflection coefficient of two-port network
z2gammaConvert impedance to reflection coefficient
powergainCalculate power gain from two-port S-parameters
vswrVSWR at given reflection coefficient Γ
stabilitykStability factor K of two-port network
stabilitymuStability factor μ of two-port network
rfinterp1Interpolate network parameter data at new frequencies
passivityPlot passivity of N-by-N rational fit output


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