Direction of Arrival Estimation
Beamscan, MUSIC, MVDR, monopulse trackers, beamspace,
ESPRIT, subspace methods
Use direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation to localize the direction of a radiating or reflecting source. DOA algorithms include beamscan, minimum-variance distortionless response, MUSIC, 2-D MUSIC, and root-MUSIC. Monopulse trackers provide algorithms for tracking moving objects.
DOA Techniques
- MUSIC Super-Resolution DOA Estimation
Learn the fundamentals of the MUSIC direction-finding algorithm and spatial smoothing. - Units of Measure and Physical Constants
Phased Array System Toolbox™ uses the International System of Units (SI). - Standards and Conventions
This section introduces the concept of baseband signals and defines the local and global coordinate systems used in the toolbox.