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Resume processing queue in MATLAB Job Scheduler


resume(mjs) resumes processing jobs in the queue of the MATLAB® Job Scheduler cluster represented by the parallel.cluster.MJS object mjs. The MATLAB Job Scheduler then runs the jobs waiting in the queued state.

If the MATLAB Job Scheduler is not paused, the resume function has no effect.



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This example shows how to resume processing the paused queue of a MATLAB Job Scheduler.

Create a cluster object that represents the MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster with the cluster profile MJS_profile.

c = parcluster(MJS_profile);

Pause the cluster queue by using the pause function.


Resume the processing of the jobs in the cluster queue by using the resume function.


Input Arguments

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MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster, specified as a parallel.cluster.MJS cluster object.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also


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