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Remove a MATLAB function from Run-on-boot

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware add-on.


removeRunOnBoot(raspPiObj) removes the MATLAB® function from Run-on-boot.



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To remove a function from Run-on-boot:

Create a connection to the Raspberry Pi® hardware.

raspPiObj = raspberrypi('','pi','raspberrypi')
rasPiObj = 

  raspberrypi with properties: 
            Name: 'Raspberry Pi'
   DeviceAddress: ''
        Username: 'pi'
        Password: '*********'
        BuildDir: '/home/pi'
 EnableRunOnBoot: 1
     BuildAction: 'Build, load, and run'

For more information on creating a connection to Raspberry Pi hardware, see raspberrypi (Simulink).

Use the removeRunOnBoot function.

If the function is successfully removed, it returns an empty cell.

ans = 

     0×0 empty cell array

Input Arguments

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The object that represents connection to Raspberry Pi hardware.

Example: raspPiObj

Version History

Introduced in R2019b