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Set custom preference value


setpref(group,pref,value) sets the specified preference in the specified group to the specified value. If the preference or group does not exist, MATLAB® creates it.

Preferences are persistent and maintain their values between MATLAB sessions.



collapse all

Create a preference group and preference and then change the preference value.

Use addpref to create a preference group called mytoolbox and add a preference within it called version.


Change the value of the version preference and then get the preference value.

ans =
  1×2 cell array
    {'1.0'}    {'beta'}

Input Arguments

collapse all

Custom preference group name, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. group must be a valid variable name. For more information, see Variable Names.

Example: 'mytoolbox'

Data Types: char | string

Custom preference name, specified as a character vector, a cell array of character vectors, or a string array. pref must be a valid variable name. For more information, see Variable Names.

If pref is a cell array of character vectors or a non-scalar string, value must specify a value for each preference specified in pref.

Example: 'version'

Example: {'version','modifieddate','docpath'}

Data Types: char | string

Custom preference value, specified as any MATLAB data type, including numeric types, character vectors, cell arrays, structures, and objects. If pref is a cell array of character vectors or a nonscalar string array, value must specify a value for each preference specified in pref.

Example: 1.1

Example: {{1.1,'beta'},datetime(2018,1,9),'C:\mytoolbox\documentation'}

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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