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Set or query line style order

Since R2024a


    linestyleorder(linestyles) sets the line style order for the current figure. The line style order is the list of line styles MATLAB® uses for plotting multiple data series in the same axes.


    linestyleorder(linestyles,cyclingmethod) specifies the line style cycling method. The line style cycling method controls how MATLAB cycles through the line styles when you plot multiple data series in the axes. Valid values are "aftercolor", "beforecolor", and "withcolor". If you omit the cycling method, linestyleorder uses "withcolor".


    linestyleorder(target,___) modifies the line style order of the target figure or axes instead of the current figure. Specify the target as the first argument in any of the previous syntaxes.


    lso = linestyleorder(___) returns the line style order as a cell array of character vectors.


    collapse all

    Create a matrix containing 10 columns of y-coordinates.

    Y = (10:15)'- (0:9)
    Y = 6×10
        10     9     8     7     6     5     4     3     2     1
        11    10     9     8     7     6     5     4     3     2
        12    11    10     9     8     7     6     5     4     3
        13    12    11    10     9     8     7     6     5     4
        14    13    12    11    10     9     8     7     6     5
        15    14    13    12    11    10     9     8     7     6

    Plot the matrix using the default line style order, which consists of one line style (solid).


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 10 objects of type line.

    Change the line style order to "mixedstyles".


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 10 objects of type line.

    Change the line style order to "mixedmarkers".


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 10 objects of type line.

    Specify a custom line style order which uses different combinations of line and marker specifiers.

    linestyles = ["-","-o","--d"];

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 10 objects of type line.

    Create a matrix containing six columns of y-coordinates.

    Y = (10:15)'- (0:5)
    Y = 6×6
        10     9     8     7     6     5
        11    10     9     8     7     6
        12    11    10     9     8     7
        13    12    11    10     9     8
        14    13    12    11    10     9
        15    14    13    12    11    10

    Plot the matrix using the default line style order, which consists of one line style (solid).


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type line.

    Specify a custom line style order without specifying the line style cycling method. By default, linestyleorder uses the "withcolor" method. This method uses the next color from a predefined palette and the next line style from the linestyles array to create each subsequent line. In this plot, the first line is at the top of the plot, and the last line is at the bottom.

    linestyles = ["-","--","-o"];

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type line.

    Change the palette of colors so that it contains only two colors from the gem palette. You can see all six combinations of colors and line styles.

    colors = orderedcolors("gem");

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type line.

    Change the line style cycling method to "beforecolor". The lines cycle through all of the line styles before cycling to the next color.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type line.

    Change the line style cycling method to "aftercolor". The lines cycle through all of the colors before cycling to the next line style.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type line.

    Create a matrix containing six columns of y-coordinates.

    Y = (10:15)'-(0:5)
    Y = 6×6
        10     9     8     7     6     5
        11    10     9     8     7     6
        12    11    10     9     8     7
        13    12    11    10     9     8
        14    13    12    11    10     9
        15    14    13    12    11    10

    Plot the matrix in two different axes of a tiled chart layout. Both plots look the same.

    ax1 = nexttile;
    ax2 = nexttile;

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains 6 objects of type line. Axes object 2 contains 6 objects of type line.

    Change the line style order for all the axes in the current figure by calling the linestyleorder function without specifying the target object. As a result, both plots use the same set of line styles.

    linestyles1 = ["-","--","-o"];

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains 6 objects of type line. Axes object 2 contains 6 objects of type line.

    Define a different set of line styles, and assign it to the second plot by specifying the second axes (ax2) as the target object.

    linestyles2 = ["-s","-.","->"];

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains 6 objects of type line. Axes object 2 contains 6 objects of type line.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Line styles, specified as one of these values:

    • "mixedstyles" — MATLAB sets the line style order to ["-","--","-.",":"].

    • "mixedmarkers" — MATLAB sets the line style order to ["-o","-*","-^","-x","-s","-p","-d"].

    • Combination of line and marker specifiers — You specify a string array or cell array of character vectors, where each element of the array is a line specifier or marker specifier from the following tables. You can combine a line and a marker specifier into a single element. For example, ["-o","--",":square"] specifies a solid line with circle markers, a dashed line without markers, and a dotted line with square markers.

    Line Specifiers

    Line StyleDescriptionResulting Line
    "-"Solid line

    Sample of solid line

    "--"Dashed line

    Sample of dashed line

    ":"Dotted line

    Sample of dotted line

    "-."Dash-dotted line

    Sample of dash-dotted line, with alternating dashes and dots

    Marker Specifiers

    MarkerDescriptionResulting Marker

    Sample of circle marker

    "+"Plus sign

    Sample of plus sign marker


    Sample of asterisk marker


    Sample of point marker


    Sample of cross marker

    "_"Horizontal line

    Sample of horizontal line marker

    "|"Vertical line

    Sample of vertical line marker


    Sample of square marker


    Sample of diamond marker

    "^"Upward-pointing triangle

    Sample of upward-pointing triangle marker

    "v"Downward-pointing triangle

    Sample of downward-pointing triangle marker

    ">"Right-pointing triangle

    Sample of right-pointing triangle marker

    "<"Left-pointing triangle

    Sample of left-pointing triangle marker


    Sample of pentagram marker


    Sample of hexagram marker

    Example: linestyleorder(["-","--","-o"]) specifies a solid line, a dashed line, and a solid line with circle markers.

    Line style cycling method, specified as one of the values from this table. The line style cycling method controls how MATLAB cycles through the line styles when you plot multiple lines and there are multiple colors in the ColorOrder property of the axes.

    The examples in this table were created using the default colors in the ColorOrder property and three line styles (["-","-o","--"]).


    Cycle through the line styles with the colors of the ColorOrder.

    Six lines that use the "withcolor" line style cycling method. The first three lines use all three line styles with the first three colors. The last three lines repeat the line styles with the next three colors.


    Cycle through the line styles before the colors of the ColorOrder.

    Six lines that use the "beforecolor" line style cycling method. The first three lines use all three line styles with the first color. The last three lines repeat the line styles with the second color.


    Cycle through the line styles after the colors of the ColorOrder.

    This is the default behavior for most plots when you do not use the linestyleorder function.

    Six lines that use the "aftercolor" line style cycling method. Each line is a different color with the same line style.

    Target object, specified as a figure or any type of axes object, such as an Axes, PolarAxes, or GeographicAxes object. If you specify a figure, all the axes in the figure use the new line style order.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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