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Using IAdaptor Abstract Class Virtual Functions

The following table lists the pure virtual functions defined by the IAdaptor abstract class, in alphabetical order. The Demo adaptor included with the Image Acquisition Toolbox™ software contains sample implementations of these functions in the file DemoAdaptor.cpp.

Pure Virtual Function

Description with Declaration


Terminates the connection to a device — see Suggested Algorithm for closeDevice().

virtual bool closeDevice();


Returns a character vector identifying the device driver used by the device — see Specifying Device Driver Identification Information.

virtual const char* getDriverDescription() const;


Returns a character vector identifying the version number of the device driver used by the device — see Specifying Device Driver Identification Information.

virtual const char* getDriverVersion() const;


Returns the toolbox-defined frame type used to store the images provided by the device — see Specifying Frame Type.

imaqkit::frametypes::FRAMETYPE getFrameType() const;


Returns an integer specifying the maximum vertical resolution (the number of lines) of the image data — see Specifying Image Dimensions.

virtual int getMaxHeight() const;


Returns an integer specifying the maximum horizontal resolution (in pixels) of the image data — see Specifying Image Dimensions.

virtual int getMaxWidth() const;


Returns the number of bands used in the returned image data — see Specifying Image Dimensions.

virtual int getNumberOfBands() const;


Opens a connection with the device, preparing it for use — see Opening and Closing Connection with a Device.

virtual bool openDevice();


Starts retrieving frames from the device — see Starting and Stopping Image Acquisition.

virtual bool startCapture();


Stops retrieving frames from the device — see Suggested Algorithm for stopCapture().

virtual bool stopCapture();

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