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Specifying Format Information

To specify the video formats supported by a particular device in an IMDF file, use the VideoFormat element. VideoFormat nodes must be children of Device nodes. In the VideoFormat node, you specify the name of the format as the value of an attribute of the element.

You can also specify format-specific property and trigger information, if necessary. A VideoFormat node can have Property and TriggerInfo nodes as children. (VideoFormat nodes can also have a Section node as a child — see Defining and Including Sections.)

The following example outlines how to use the VideoFormat node. The words in italics represent text that you define.

	<Device device=devicename>
		<VideoFormat name=formatname>
			<Property constraint=constraint_value


The following table lists the tags used to specify video format information.





Include one or more nodes grouped into a Section node. This is an optional element. A VideoFormat node can contain multiple Include nodes.

tag=sectionname, where sectionname is a character vector that identifies a particular Section node


Groups one or more nodes into a Section node. This is an optional element. A VideoFormat node can contain multiple Section nodes.

name=sectionname, where sectionname is the name you want to assign to a particular Section node


Describes the properties of a video format. This is an optional element. A VideoFormat node can contain multiple Property nodes.

See Specifying Property Information.


Defines the source of video data. This is an optional element.

See Specifying Video Sources


Trigger information specific to a particular video format. This is an optional element. A VideoFormat node can only contain one TriggerInfo node.

See Specifying Hardware Trigger Information.

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