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1-D digital filter of fi objects


y = filter(b,1,x) filters the data in the fixed-point vector x using the filter described by the fixed-point vector b. The function returns the filtered data in the output fi object y.

filter always operates along the first non-singleton dimension. Thus, the filter operates along the first dimension for column vectors and nontrivial matrices and along the second dimension for row vectors.


[y,zf] = filter(b,1,x,zi) uses initial conditions zi for the filter delays. The length of zi must equal length(b)-1. The final conditions of the delays are returned in zf.

y = filter(b,1,x,zi,dim) acts along dimension dim. If you do not want to specify the vector of initial conditions, use [] for the input argument zi.


This function is a 1-D digital filter for fi objects. To filter non-fi data, use the MATLAB® filter function.


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Filter a high-frequency fixed-point sinusoid from a signal that contains both a low- and high-frequency fixed-point sinusoid.

w1 = 0.1*pi;
w2 = 0.6*pi;
n  = 0:999;
xd = sin(w1*n) + sin(w2*n);
x  = sfi(xd,12);
b  = ufi([0.1:0.1:1,1-0.1:-0.1:0.1]/4,10);
gd = (length(b)-1)/2;
y  = filter(b,1,x);

Plot the results, accommodating for the group delay of the filter.

hold on
axis([0 50 -2 2])
legend('Unfiltered Signal','Filtered Signal')
xlabel('Sample Index (n)')
ylabel('Signal Value')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Sample Index (n), ylabel Signal Value contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Unfiltered Signal, Filtered Signal.

The resulting plot shows both the unfiltered and filtered signals.

Input Arguments

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Filter coefficients, specified as a fixed-point vector.

Data Types: fi

Input data, specified as a fixed-point vector.

Data Types: fi

Initial conditions for filter delays, specified as a fixed-point vector. zi must be a fi object with the same data type as y and zf.

  • If zi is a vector, then its length must be length(b)-1.

  • If zi is a matrix or multidimensional array, then the size of the leading dimension must be length(b)-1. The size of each remaining dimension must match the size of the corresponding dimension of x.

If you do not specify a value for zi, or if you specify [], it defaults to a fixed-point array with a value of 0 and the appropriate numerictype and size.

Data Types: fi

Dimension along which to operate, specified as a positive integer scalar.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fi

Output Arguments

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Filtered data, returned as a fixed-point fi vector, matrix, or multidimensional array.

Final conditions for filter delays, returned as a fixed-point fi vector, matrix, or multidimensional array.


  • The filter function only supports FIR filters. In the general filter representation b/a, the denominator a of an FIR filter is the scalar 1, which is the second input of this function.

  • The numerictype of b can be different than the numerictype of x.

  • If you want to specify initial conditions but do not know what numerictype to use, first try filtering your data without initial conditions. You can do so by specifying [] for the input zi. After performing the filtering operation, you have the numerictype of y and zf (if requested). Because the numerictype of zi must match that of y and zf, you now know the numerictype to use for the initial conditions.


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Filter length (L)

The filter length is length(b) or the number of filter coefficients specified in the fixed-point vector b.

Filter order (N)

The filter order is the number of states (delays) of the filter and is equal to L-1.

Direct-Form Transposed FIR Filter

The filter function uses a Direct-Form Transposed FIR implementation of this difference equation:


where L is the Filter length (L) and N is the Filter order (N).

This diagram shows the direct-form transposed FIR filter structure used by the filter function.

fimath Propagation Rules

The filter function uses these rules regarding fimath behavior:

  • globalfimath is obeyed.

  • If any of the inputs has an attached fimath, then it is used for intermediate calculations.

  • If more than one input has an attached fimath, then the fimaths must be equal.

  • The output y is always associated with the default fimath.

  • If the input vector zi has an attached fimath, then the output vector zf retains this fimath.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2010a

See Also
