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Use CCDF to find relative power for specified probability

Since R2022a


    relpower = relativePower(meter,prob) computes the relative power relpower for a specified probability prob, such that the instantaneous signal power is above the average signal power by relpower dB with probability prob/100. To enable this syntax, set the computeCCDF property to true in the powermeter System object™.



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    Compute the average power measurement of the generated voltage signal.

    x = complex(rand(10000,1)-0.5,rand(10000,1)-0.5);
    pm = powermeter(ComputeCCDF=true);
    averagePower = pm(x);                             % power in dB

    Compute the probability that the instantaneous power of the signal is 3 dB above the average power.

    prob = probability(pm,3) % probability in percentage
    prob = 

    Plot the CCDF curve.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title CCDF Measurement, xlabel Relative power (dB above average power), ylabel Probability (%) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent CCDF 1, Gaussian reference.

    Find the relative power for the given probability.

    relativepwr = relativePower(pm,prob)
    relativepwr = 

    Input Arguments

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    Power meter, specified as a powermeter System object.

    Probability in percentage, specified as a nonnegative column vector. The probability that the instantaneous signal power of the jth channel is above its average signal power by relpower(i,j), in dB, is prob(i)/100.

    If the PowerRange property is not set sufficiently large, the computed CCDF curve may not reach some probability values in prob and the corresponding values in relpower is NaN. If no prob value is provided, relativePower returns relpower for prob = [10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001]'.

    Data Types: single | double

    Output Arguments

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    Relative power in dB, returned as an N-by-M matrix. N equals the number of rows in prob and M equals the number of signals provided.

    Data Types: double

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

    See Also

