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Characteristic information about valid delay range


S = info(obj) returns a structure that contains the valid delay range values of the dsp.VariableFractionalDelay object.



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Create a dsp.VariableFractionalDelay object. Set the interpolation method to 'Farrow', and the maximum delay to 9. Obtain the valid delay range for these settings using the info method.

vfd = dsp.VariableFractionalDelay('InterpolationMethod','Farrow','MaximumDelay',9);
ans = struct with fields:
    ValidDelayRange: '[1, 9]'

Specify the delay vector to have two taps - [0.95 10]. These values are out of the valid range. The object clips these values to [1 9] and concurrently applies the delay values to the input channel.

in = randn(10,1)
in = 10×1


delayVec = [0.95 10]
delayVec = 1×2

    0.9500   10.0000

vfdout = vfd(in,delayVec)
vfdout = 10×2

         0         0
    0.5377         0
    1.8339         0
   -2.2588         0
    0.8622         0
    0.3188         0
   -1.3077         0
   -0.4336         0
    0.3426         0
    3.5784    0.5377

The output contains two channels, each being a delayed version of the input channel. The first channel is delayed by 1 sample and the second channel is delayed by 9 samples.

Input Arguments

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Input object, specified as a dsp.VariableFractionalDelay System object.

Example: vfd = dsp.VariableFractionalDelay; info(vfd);

Output Arguments

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Valid delay range information of the input dsp.VariableFractionalDelay object, returned as the ValidDelayRange field in the output structure S. ValidDelayRange contains the possible range of delay values based on the current property values of the object. The ValidDelayRange is in the format [MinValidDelay, MaxValidDelay]. The object clips all input delay values to be within this ValidDelayRange.

Version History

Introduced in R2012a