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Equity screening data for Bloomberg B-PIPE connection V3

Since R2021a


d = eqs(c,sname) returns equity screening data given the Bloomberg® B-PIPE® V3 session screen name sname.


d = eqs(c,sname,stype) also specifies the screen type stype.


d = eqs(c,sname,stype,languageid) also specifies the language identifier languageid.


d = eqs(c,sname,stype,languageid,group) also specifies the optional group identifier group.


d = eqs(c,sname,stype,languageid,group,'OverrideFields',ov) also specifies the Bloomberg override fields and values ov.



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Create a Bloomberg connection, and then retrieve frontier market stock data.

Create a Bloomberg B-PIPE connection using the IP address of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process. This example uses the Bloomberg B-PIPE C++ interface and assumes the following:

  • The authentication is Windows® authentication when you set authtype to 'OS_LOGON'.

  • The application name is blank because you are not connecting to Bloomberg B-PIPE using an application.

  • The IP address for the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is ''.

  • The port number of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is 8194.

c is a bloombergBPIPE object.

authtype = 'OS_LOGON';
appname = '';
ipaddress = {''};
port = 8194;

c = bloombergBPIPE(authtype,appname,ipaddress,port);

Return data as a table by setting the DataReturnFormat property of the bloomberg object. If you do not set this property, the eqs function returns data as a cell array.

c.DataReturnFormat = 'table';

Retrieve equity screening data for the screen named Frontier Market Stocks with 1 billion USD Market Caps.

sname = 'Frontier Market Stocks with 1 billion USD Market Caps';
d = eqs(c,sname);

Display the first three rows in the returned data d.

ans =

  3×8 table

       Cntry                   Name                 IndGroup    MarketCap     Price_D_1     P_B       P_E      EPS_1YrGrLF
    ___________    _____________________________    ________    __________    _________    ______    ______    ___________

    'Venezuela'    'MERCANTIL SERVICIOS FINAN-A'    'Banks'     7.3424e+12      70088      278.25    1137.6      1121.9   
    'Venezuela'    'BANCO DEL CARIBE-A'             'Banks'     2.0442e+12      24531      2321.8       NaN         NaN   
    'Venezuela'    'BANCO PROVINCIAL'               'Banks'     1.2632e+12      11715      52.344    173.72       219.1   

The columns in d are:

  • Country name

  • Company name

  • Industry name

  • Market capitalization

  • Price

  • Price-to-book ratio

  • Price-earnings ratio

  • Earnings per share

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Create a Bloomberg B-PIPE connection using the IP address of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process. This example uses the Bloomberg B-PIPE C++ interface and assumes the following:

  • The authentication is Windows authentication when you set authtype to 'OS_LOGON'.

  • The application name is blank because you are not connecting to Bloomberg B-PIPE using an application.

  • The IP address for the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is ''.

  • The port number of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is 8194.

c is a bloombergBPIPE object.

authtype = 'OS_LOGON';
appname = '';
ipaddress = {''};
port = 8194;

c = bloombergBPIPE(authtype,appname,ipaddress,port);

Retrieve equity screening data for the screen called Vehicle-Engine-Parts and the screen type equal to 'GLOBAL'.

d = eqs(c,'Vehicle-Engine-Parts','GLOBAL');

Display the first three rows in the returned data d.

ans = 

  Columns 1 through 5

    'Ticker'        'Short Name'        'Market Cap'        'Price:D-1'    'P/E'  
    'HON     US'    'HONEYWELL INTL'    [69451382784.00]    [    88.51]    [16.81]
    'CMI     US'    'CUMMINS INC'       [24799526912.00]    [   132.36]    [17.28]

  Columns 6 through 8

    'Total Return YTD'    'Revenue T12M'      'EPS T12M'
    [           42.43]    [38248998912.00]    [    4.11]
    [           24.43]    [17004999936.00]    [    7.57] 

d contains Bloomberg equity screening data for the Vehicle-Engine-Parts screen. The first row contains column headers. The subsequent rows contain the returned data. The columns in d are:

  • Ticker symbol

  • Company name

  • Market capitalization

  • Price

  • Price-earnings ratio

  • Total return year-to-date

  • Revenue

  • Earnings per share

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Create a Bloomberg B-PIPE connection using the IP address of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process. This example uses the Bloomberg B-PIPE C++ interface and assumes the following:

  • The authentication is Windows authentication when you set authtype to 'OS_LOGON'.

  • The application name is blank because you are not connecting to Bloomberg B-PIPE using an application.

  • The IP address for the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is ''.

  • The port number of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is 8194.

c is a bloombergBPIPE object.

authtype = 'OS_LOGON';
appname = '';
ipaddress = {''};
port = 8194;

c = bloombergBPIPE(authtype,appname,ipaddress,port);

Retrieve equity screening data for the screen called Vehicle-Engine-Parts, the screen type equal to 'GLOBAL', and return data in German.

d = eqs(c,'Vehicle-Engine-Parts','GLOBAL','GERMAN');

Display the first three rows in the returned data d.

  Columns 1 through 5

    'Ticker'        'Kurzname'          'Marktkapitalisie...'    'Preis:D-1'    'KGV'  
    'HON     US'    'HONEYWELL INTL'    [     69451382784.00]    [    88.51]    [16.81]
    'CMI     US'    'CUMMINS INC'       [     24799526912.00]    [   132.36]    [17.28]

  Columns 6 through 8

    'Gesamtertrag YTD'    'Erlös T12M'        'EPS T12M'
    [           42.43]    [38248998912.00]    [    4.11]
    [           24.43]    [17004999936.00]    [    7.57]

d contains Bloomberg equity screening data for the Vehicle-Engine-Parts screen. The first row contains column headers in German. The subsequent rows contain the returned data. The columns in d are:

  • Ticker symbol

  • Company name

  • Market capitalization

  • Price

  • Price-earnings ratio

  • Total return year-to-date

  • Revenue

  • Earnings per share

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Create a Bloomberg B-PIPE connection using the IP address of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process. This example uses the Bloomberg B-PIPE C++ interface and assumes the following:

  • The authentication is Windows authentication when you set authtype to 'OS_LOGON'.

  • The application name is blank because you are not connecting to Bloomberg B-PIPE using an application.

  • The IP address for the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is ''.

  • The port number of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is 8194.

c is a bloombergBPIPE object.

authtype = 'OS_LOGON';
appname = '';
ipaddress = {''};
port = 8194;

c = bloombergBPIPE(authtype,appname,ipaddress,port);

Retrieve equity screening data for the Bloomberg screen called Vehicle-Engine-Parts, using the Bloomberg screen type 'GLOBAL' and the language 'ENGLISH', and the Bloomberg screen folder name 'GENERAL'.

d = eqs(c,'Vehicle-Engine-Parts','GLOBAL','ENGLISH','GENERAL');

Display the first three rows in the returned data d.

ans = 

  Columns 1 through 5

    'Ticker'        'Short Name'        'Market Cap'        'Price:D-1'    'P/E'  
    'HON     US'    'HONEYWELL INTL'    [69451382784.00]    [    88.51]    [16.81]
    'CMI     US'    'CUMMINS INC'       [24799526912.00]    [   132.36]    [17.28]

  Columns 6 through 8

    'Total Return YTD'    'Revenue T12M'      'EPS T12M'
    [           42.43]    [38248998912.00]    [    4.11]
    [           24.43]    [17004999936.00]    [    7.57]

d contains Bloomberg equity screening data for the Vehicle-Engine-Parts screen. The first row contains column headers. The subsequent rows contain the returned data. The columns in d are:

  • Ticker symbol

  • Company name

  • Market capitalization

  • Price

  • Price-earnings ratio

  • Total return year-to-date

  • Revenue

  • Earnings per share

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Create a Bloomberg B-PIPE connection using the IP address of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process. This example uses the Bloomberg B-PIPE C++ interface and assumes the following:

  • The authentication is Windows authentication when you set authtype to 'OS_LOGON'.

  • The application name is blank because you are not connecting to Bloomberg B-PIPE using an application.

  • The IP address for the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is ''.

  • The port number of the machine running the Bloomberg B-PIPE process is 8194.

c is a bloombergBPIPE object.

authtype = 'OS_LOGON';
appname = '';
ipaddress = {''};
port = 8194;

c = bloombergBPIPE(authtype,appname,ipaddress,port);

Retrieve equity screening data as of a specified date using these input arguments. The override field PiTDate is equivalent to the flag AsOf in the Bloomberg Excel Add-In.

  • Bloomberg connection c

  • Bloomberg screen is Vehicle-Engine-Parts

  • Bloomberg screen type is 'GLOBAL'

  • Language is 'ENGLISH'

  • Bloomberg screen folder name is 'GENERAL'

  • Override field PiTDate is September 9, 2014

d = eqs(c,'Vehicle-Engine-Parts','GLOBAL','ENGLISH','GENERAL',...

Display the first three rows in the returned data d.

ans = 

  Columns 1 through 5

    'Ticker'        'Short Name'        'Market Cap'    'Price:D-1'       'P/E'
    'HON US'     'HONEYWELL INTL'      [7.3919e+10]    [  94.4600]    [17.8087]
    'TSLA US'    'TESLA MOTORS'        [3.4707e+10]    [ 278.4800]    [    NaN]

  Columns 6 through 8

    'Total Return YTD'    'Revenue T12M'    'EPS T12M'
    [          4.8907]    [  3.9966e+10]    [  5.1600]
    [         85.1239]    [  2.4365e+09]    [ -1.3500]

d contains Bloomberg equity screening data for the Vehicle-Engine-Parts screen as of September 9, 2014. The first row contains column headers. The subsequent rows contain the returned data. The columns in d are:

  • Ticker symbol

  • Company name

  • Market capitalization

  • Price

  • Price-earnings ratio

  • Total return year-to-date

  • Revenue

  • Earnings per share

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Input Arguments

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Bloomberg B-PIPE connection, specified as a bloombergBPIPE object.

Screen name, specified as a character vector or string scalar to denote the Bloomberg V3 session screen name to execute. The screen can be a customized equity screen or one of the Bloomberg example screens accessed by using the EQS <GO> option from the Bloomberg terminal.

Data Types: char | string

Screen type, specified as one of the two preceding values to denote the Bloomberg screen type. 'GLOBAL' denotes a Bloomberg screen name and 'PRIVATE' denotes a customized screen name. When using the optional group input argument, stype cannot be set to 'PRIVATE' for customized screen names.

Language identifier, specified as a character vector or string to denote the language for the returned data. This argument is optional.

Data Types: char | string

Group identifier, specified as a character vector or string to denote the Bloomberg screen folder name accessed by using the EQS <GO> option from the Bloomberg terminal. This argument is optional. When using this argument, stype cannot be set to 'PRIVATE' for customized screen names.

Data Types: char | string

Bloomberg override field values, specified as an n-by-2 cell array. The first column of the cell array is the override field. The second column is the override value.

Example: {'PiTDate','20140909'}

Data Types: cell

Output Arguments

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Equity screening data, returned as a cell array, structure, or table. The data type of the equity screening data depends on the DataReturnFormat property of the connection object.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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