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Out of bounds array index

Array is accessed outside range


This check on an array element access determines whether the element is outside the array range. The check occurs only when you read an array element using the index notation and not when you take the address of the array element.


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#include <stdio.h>

void fibonacci(void)
  int i;
  int fib[10];
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
    if (i < 2) 
      fib[i] = 1;
      fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];

  printf("The 10-th Fibonacci number is %i .\n", fib[i]);   

int main(void) {

In this example, the array fib is assigned a size of 10. An array index for fib has allowed values of [0,1,2,...,9]. The variable i has a value 10 when it comes out of the for-loop. Therefore, when the printf statement attempts to access fib[10] through i, the Out of bounds array index check produces a red error.

The check also produces a red error if printf uses *(fib+i) instead of fib[i].

Correction — Keep array index less than array size

One possible correction is to print fib[i-1] instead of fib[i] after the for-loop.

#include <stdio.h>

void fibonacci(void)
  int i;
  int fib[10];
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
    if (i < 2) 
      fib[i] = 1;
      fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];

  printf("The 10-th Fibonacci number is %i .\n", fib[i-1]);   

int main(void) {
extern int arr[];

int getFifthElement(void) {
   return arr[5];
int main(void){

Code Prover assumes by default that external arrays of undefined size can be safely accessed at any index. The Out of bounds array index check on the external array access is green.

To remove this default assumption, use the option -consider-external-array-access-unsafe. With this option, the Out of bounds array index check is orange.

extern int arr[];

int getFifthElement(void) {
   return arr[5];
int arr[10];

int main(int arg, char* argv[]) {
    int *ptr = &arr[10];
    int val_ptr = *ptr;
    return 0;

In this example, the pointer ptr is assigned an address past the memory allocated for the array arr. However, this assignment does not trigger the Out of bounds array index check. Instead, an Illegally dereferenced pointer check occurs only when the pointer is dereferenced and this check shows a definite error (red).

Check Information

Group: Static memory
Language: C | C++
Acronym: OBAI
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