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Display visualization of microtiter plate


Handle = microplateplot(...)
microplateplot(Data, ...'RowLabels', RowLabelsValue, ...)
microplateplot(Data, ...'ColumnLabels', ColumnLabelsValue, ...)
microplateplot(Data, ...'TextLabels', TextLabelsValue, ...)
microplateplot(Data, ...'TextFontSize', TextFontSizeValue, ...)
microplateplot(Data, ...'MissingValueColor', MissingValueColorValue, ...)
microplateplot(Data, ...'ToolTipFormat', ToolTipFormatValue, ...)


microplateplot(Data) displays an image of a microtiter plate with each well colored according to intensity values, such as from a plate reader.

Handle = microplateplot(...) returns the handle to the axes of the plot.

microplateplot(..., 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) calls microplateplot with optional properties that use property name/property value pairs. You can specify one or more properties in any order. Enclose each PropertyName in single quotation marks. Each PropertyName is case insensitive. These property name/property value pairs are as follows:

microplateplot(Data, ...'RowLabels', RowLabelsValue, ...) lets you specify labels for the rows of data.

microplateplot(Data, ...'ColumnLabels', ColumnLabelsValue, ...) lets you specify labels for the columns of data.

microplateplot(Data, ...'TextLabels', TextLabelsValue, ...) lets you specify text to overlay of the wells in the image.

microplateplot(Data, ...'TextFontSize', TextFontSizeValue, ...) lets you specify the font size of the text you specify with the 'TextLabels' property.

microplateplot(Data, ...'MissingValueColor', MissingValueColorValue, ...) lets you specify the color of wells with missing values (NaN values).

microplateplot(Data, ...'ToolTipFormat', ToolTipFormatValue, ...) lets you specify the format of the text used in the well tooltips. The well tooltips display the actual value from the input matrix when you click a well. ToolTipFormatValue is a format string, such as used by the sprintf function. Default is 'Value: %.3f', which specifies including three digits to the right of the decimal in fixed-point notation.

Input Arguments


DataMatrix object or matrix containing intensity values, such as from a plate reader.


For help importing data from a spreadsheet or data file into a MATLAB® matrix, see Import Text Files.


The microplateplot function converts any nonnumeric symbols or characters in the matrix to NaN values.


Cell array of character vectors or string vector that specifies labels for the rows of data. Default is the first Nletters of the alphabet, where N is the number of rows in Data. If there are more than 26 rows in Data, then the default is AA, AB, ..., ZZ. If Data is a DataMatrix object, then the default is the row labels of Data.


Cell array of character vectors or string vector that specifies labels for the columns of data. Default is 1, 2, ..., M , where M is the number of columns in Data. If Data is a DataMatrix object, then the default is the column labels of Data.


Cell array of character vectors or string vector the same size as Data that specifies text to overlay on the wells of the image.


Positive integer specifying the font size of the text you specify with the 'TextLabels' property. Default font size is determined automatically based on the size of the Figure window.


Three-element numeric vector of RGB values that specifies the color of wells with missing values (NaN values). Default is [0, 0, 0], which defines black.


Format string, such as used by the sprintf function, that specifies the format of the text used in the well tooltips. The well tooltips display the actual value from the input matrix when you click a well.

Default: 'Value: %.3f', which specifies including three digits to the right of the decimal in fixed-point notation.

Output Arguments


Handle to the axes of the plot.


Use the Handle output with the set function and the 'YDir' or 'XDir' property to reverse the order of the A through H labels or 1 through 12 labels respectively. Note that in the microplate plot, the default order for the A through H labels, or 'YDir' property, is 'reverse' (top to bottom), and the default order for the 1 through 12 labels, or 'XDir' property, is 'normal' (left to right). For more information on the 'XDir' and 'YDir' properties, see Axes Properties.


Example 12. Creating a Plot of a Microplate, Changing the Colormap, Viewing Well Values, and Adding Text Labels
  1. Load a MAT-file, included with the Bioinformatics Toolbox™ software, which contains two variables: assaydata, an 8-by-12 matrix of data values from a microtiter plate, and whiteToRed, a 64-by-3 matrix that defines a colormap.

    load microPlateAssay
  2. Create a visualization of the data from the microtiter plate.

  3. Change the visualization to use a white-to-red colormap, and then view a tooltip displaying the value of well D6 by clicking the well.


    Notice that all wells in column 12 are black, indicating missing data.

  4. Overlay an X on well E8.

    1. Create an empty cell array.

      mask = cell(8,12);
    2. Add the string 'X' to the cell in the fifth row and eighth column of the array.

      mask{5,8} = 'X';
    3. Pass the cell array to the microplateplot function using the 'TextLabels' property.


Example 13. Changing the Order of Row Labels in the Plot
  1. If you have not already done so, create a plot of a microplate as described previously.

  2. Return a handle to the axes of the plot, and then reverse the order of the row letter labels.

    h = microplateplot(assaydata);

Example 14. Adding a Title and Axis Labels to the Plot

For information on adding a title and x-axis and y-axis labels to your plot, see Add Title and Axis Labels to Chart.

Example 15. Printing and Exporting the Plot

For information on printing or exporting your plot, see Printing and Saving.

Version History

Introduced in R2009a