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Horn Antennas

Rectangular, conical, corrugated, Potter, Scrimp and ridged horn antennas

Horn antennas come under the classification of aperture antennas. And are most commonly used at microwave frequencies. Such antennas are used in space applications. Horn antennas are used as feeding elements for large radio astronomy, satellite tracking, and communication dishes. These antennas are also used in phase array applications.


Antenna DesignerDesign, visualize, and analyze antennas
Antenna Array DesignerDesign, visualize, and analyze arrays


hornCreate regular or AI-based horn antenna
hornConicalCreate conical horn antenna
hornConicalCorrugatedCreate conical corrugated-horn antenna (Since R2020a)
hornCorrugatedCreate rectangular corrugated-horn antenna (Since R2020b)
hornPotterCreate Potter horn antenna (Since R2021a)
hornRidgeCreate double-ridged rectangular horn (Since R2020b)
hornScrimpCreate Scrimp horn antenna (Since R2021a)


showDisplay antenna, array structures, shapes, or platform
infoDisplay information about antenna, array, or platform
hornangle2sizeEquivalent flare width and flare height from flare angles
numCorrugationsToPitchCalculate pitch for specified corrugations (Since R2020b)
designDesign prototype antenna or arrays for resonance around specified frequency or create AI-based antenna from antenna catalog objects

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