Geodynamics, 3e
Donald L. Turcotte, University of California;
Gerald Schubert, University of California
Cambridge University Press, 2014
ISBN: 978-0-521-18623-0;
Language: English
Geodynamics provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students with the fundamentals needed to develop a quantitative understanding of the physical processes of the solid Earth. The text has been updated with the inclusion of new material on planetary geophysics and other cutting edge topics. Exercises within the text allow students to put theory into practice; as users progress through each chapter and carefully select further reading sections, they are guided and encouraged to delve deeper into topics of interest. Answers to problems are available within the book and also online; for self-testing, complete the textbook package.
This third edition has two completely new chapters covering numerical modeling and geophysical MATLAB applications. The text is now supported by a suite of online MATLAB codes that will enable students to grasp the practical aspects of computational modeling.
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