Simplified management of figure pointer property

버전 (4.23 KB) 작성자: Jerome Briot
Simplified management of figure pointer property
다운로드 수: 1.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2006/8/31

라이선스 없음

The zip file contains three files :

SETFIGPTR.M is based on SETPTR.M from T. Kauss (TMW). It basically sets the figure pointer property as the following command does :


But it adds more pointer than those contained in the default parameter :

'hand' - open hand for panning indication
'hand1' - open hand with a 1 on the back
'hand2' - open hand with a 2 on the back
'closedhand' - closed hand
'glass' - magnifying glass
'lrdrag' - left/right drag cursor
'ldrag' - left drag cursor
'rdrag' - right drag cursor
'uddrag' - up/down drag cursor
'udrag' - up drag cursor
'ddrag' - down drag cursor
'add' - arrow with + sign
'addzero' - arrow with 'o'
'addpole' - arrow with 'x'
'eraser' - eraser
'help' - arrow with question mark ?
'zoomin' - magnifying glass with +
'zoomout' - magnifying glass with -
'matlabdoc' - exemple of custom made pointer from the Matlab doc.
'none' - no pointer

GETFIGPTR is based on GETPTR.M from T. Kauss (TMW). It basically gets the figure pointer property.

SWITCHFIGPTR lets the user to modify the pointer and set it back later.

See this example :

<do other stuff>

The first call will store the current pointer and replace it by the 'watch' one. The second call will restore the pointer.

See help sections for more informations.


Aug 2006 - 4 new pointers added (zoomin,zoomout,matlabdoc,none)

인용 양식

Jerome Briot (2024). Simplified management of figure pointer property (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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