詳解:MATLAB の円グラフ(色設定)(Setting Default Colors of Pie Chart)

버전 1.0.1 (352 KB) 작성자: michio
It provides a function to set a color scheme to a pie chart and a detailed description of how pie chart is organized with patch/text objects
다운로드 수: 19
업데이트 날짜: 2023/3/18

Inspired by the comment on MATLAB Answers.

”Unforunately the pie() function does not allow you to directly specify the face color of each wedge as inputs.”(Ref: MATLAB Answers: How can i change the colours of segmentation on a chart pie?https://jp.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/515880-how-can-i-change-the-colours-of-segmentation-on-a-chart-pie)

This File Exchange entry provides the description of how the pie chart is organized and how to set its color to the default color scheme.

Please note that the description is in Japanese. Please leave a comment if you would like an English version.

인용 양식

michio (2024). 詳解:MATLAB の円グラフ(色設定)(Setting Default Colors of Pie Chart) (https://github.com/mathworks/default-coloring-pie-chart), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

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Added Japanese title


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