crc32 (Follows IEEE Standard of Ethernet in Section 3.2.9 )

버전 1.0.0 (1.25 KB) 작성자: WARRIOR24
CR32 calculate - With Directions on how to run/execute file.
다운로드 수: 103
업데이트 날짜: 2020/12/22

라이선스 보기

I used the built in Matlab CRC Generator "comm.CRCGenerator" because it references the IEEE Standard of Ethernet in Section 3.2.9 page 57 from ""

comm.CRCGenerator follows steps a-e of Section 3.2.9 - Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Field.

Under the original "crcGen = comm.CRCGenerator" I had to change some true and false and add a few lines of code to make it return the correct CRC. I added lines (1) and (2) and set their values to true. (NOTE: from comm.CRCGenerator Document, the original CRC32 will show 2 examples for computing 2 different ways on how to compute the same CRC. A "Direct" way and "NonDirect" way)

'Polynomial', poly, ...
'InitialConditions', 0, ...
'ReflectInputBytes', true, ... % This (1) line was added and set to 'true'
'ReflectChecksums', true, ... % This (1) line was added and set to 'true'
'DirectMethod', false, ...
'FinalXOR', 1);

How to input:
Input 8 bit HEX string the command window by
>> crc32('12345678')

Or you can create a new scrip to call this function

To check:
*** Make sure you change the input would be byte and enter as '12345678'

인용 양식

WARRIOR24 (2024). crc32 (Follows IEEE Standard of Ethernet in Section 3.2.9 ) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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