Vector fields, divergence and curl

버전 1.1.0 (680 KB) 작성자: Lama Itani
Visualizes VF entered in cartesian, spherical, cylindrical and polar coordinates, computes div and curl. Includes live script for details.
다운로드 수: 197
업데이트 날짜: 2020/11/25

How to use:
Download the VFDivCurl.mlproj and make sure you unzip the project. Once unzipped, open DemoDivCurlCertesian.mlx file. Run live script section-by-section. Note that the "Using the DivCurl app" section will automatically trigger the app.

Live Script content:
"Cartesian representation" section: In the first section of the Live Script, the user has to input the vector components (expressed in a Cartersian coordinate system) and chose the display setting (2D or 3D). Note that for a 2D display, the z-component will be dropped automatically. The vector field can be then displayed along with 2D colormaps for divergence and curl.

"Using the DivCurl app" section: In the second section of the script, the user will be able to run an application designed to display vector fields and calculate divergence and curl. The user needs to select the representation (Cartesian, Spherical or Cylindrical) and input his vector components accordingly. The vector fields are only displayed in a Cartersian coordiante system. The two sliders in the top right corner, arrows and grid, can be varied by the user to provide optimal display.

Toolbox used:
Symbolic Math Toolbox

Realease last tested:
Latest test: Nov. 8, 2020 with 2020b

인용 양식

Lama Itani (2024). Vector fields, divergence and curl (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2020b
R2017b 이상 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux

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