Impulsive Trans-Lunar Trajectory Optimization – SNOPT

버전 1.4.0 (110 MB) 작성자: David Eagle
SNOPT version of the tlto_matlab script used to design preliminary lunar missions from Earth park orbit to B-plane encounter.
다운로드 수: 172
업데이트 날짜: 2024/8/31

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This submission is a MATLAB script named tlto_matlab_snopt that can be used to design preliminary lunar missions from Earth park orbit to B-plane encounter at the moon. The software assumes trans-lunar injection (TLI) occurs impulsively from a circular Earth park orbit. The B-plane coordinates used for targeting the final conditions at the moon are expressed in a user-defined moon-centered (selenocentric) coordinate system. The results from this scientific simulation can be used as an initial guess for a finite-burn trajectory optimization program.
This MATLAB script reads JPL DE430 lunar and solar ephemerides in a machine-independent binary format (kernels) which are available from the SPICE web site and by anonymous ftp from These *.bsp ephemeris files are IEEE-Little Endian style of binary kernel. This is the binary form native to PC/Linux, PC/Windows and MAC/Intel machines. Additional information about JPL ephemerides can be found at
The tlto_matlab_snopt script uses routines from the MICE software suite to read and evaluate the JPL ephemeris file. Platform-specific MICE mex files, support functions and the binary ephemeris file (de430.bsp) are available at MICE is a MATLAB implementation of the SPICE library created by JPL.
MATLAB versions of SNOPT for several computer platforms can be purchase/requested at Professor Philip Gill’s web site which is located at Professor Gill’s web site also includes a PDF version of the SNOPT software user’s guide.

인용 양식

David Eagle (2024). Impulsive Trans-Lunar Trajectory Optimization – SNOPT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Added final lunar orbit targeting in three different coordinate systems (Earth true-of-date, Earth mean equator and equinox of J2000 and lunar mean equator and IAU node of epoch). Updated documentation.


Updated coordinate transformations and PDF document. Added more source code annotation.


Distribution now includes a version ( that uses JPL MICE routines to evaluate the de430.bsp ephemerides.


Added node/apsis alignment targeting. Updated documentation.
