
버전 1.5 (7.31 MB) 작성자: Thomas Guillod
MATLAB Toolbox for Handling 2D and 3D FEM Meshes
다운로드 수: 556
업데이트 날짜: 2022/6/2

MATLAB Toolbox for Handling 2D and 3D FEM Meshes

license - BSD language - MATLAB category - science status - maintained

This MATLAB toolbox offers numerous functionalities for handling 2d and 3d meshes:

  • Parse geometry (edge, surface, and volume) - 'extract_geom.m'
  • Plot geometry (edge, surface, volume, normal vector, and tangential vector) - 'plot_geom.m'
  • Assign variables to the vertices of the meshes - 'extract_data.m'
  • Plot variables (scalar variable and vector field) - 'plot_data.m'
  • Integrate variables on the meshes (scalar variable and vector field) - 'integrate_data.m'
  • Interpolate variables on the meshes - 'interp_data.m'

The toolbox can be used for the following tasks:

  • Processing finite element method (FEM) results (e.g. COMSOL, ANSYS, OpenFOAM)
  • Handling geographic information system (GIS) data (e.g. digital elevation model)
  • Handling additive manufacturing data (e.g. 3d printing)


The example run_bridge_example.m handles a complex 3d structural analysis:

The example run_simple_example.m uses a simple 2d and 3d electrostatic simulation. This example is used to systemically test/demonstrates the different functions of the toolbox:


The following limitations apply to the toolbox:

  • For 2d meshes and 3d surfaces, only triangular meshes are supported (no quadrilateral meshes)
  • For 3d volumes, only tetrahedral meshes are supported (no hexahedral meshes)
  • The integration and interpolation methods are considering linear schemes (no higher-order)
  • Probably not scalable to very large meshes (tested with 3.5 million vertices and 7 million triangles)


The toolbox requires the following software packages:

  • Tested with MATLAB R2018b
  • No toolboxes are required
  • Compatibility with GNU Octave not tested but probably slightly problematic

The following software packages are used for generating the data of the examples:

  • COMSOL 5.4 for generating the meshes and the solutions
  • Inventor 2019 for the CAD drawings


Thomas Guillod - GitHub Profile


This project is licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE.md.

인용 양식

Thomas Guillod (2024). fem_mesh_matlab (https://github.com/otvam/fem_mesh_matlab), GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2020a
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux
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