
버전 1.0.2 (28.2 KB) 작성자: Frederick Zittrell
Bivariate histogram plot from polar coordinates / position vectors in MATLAB.
다운로드 수: 440
업데이트 날짜: 2019/5/8

Bivariate histogram plot from polar coordinates / position vectors.
Esentially, the coordinates are converted to cartesian coordinates and fed to
HISTOGRAM2. A polar-coordinate grid is then drawn in order to mimic a polar plot.
The properties and methods of this class are intended to mimic a polar plot like it
is created by POLARAXES and properties with the same name, such as 'ThetaDir', mimic
the behavior of a real POLARAXES. Note that this has limitations and might not work
flawlessly. Properties may be specified via Name-Value pairs during plot
construction or set post-hoc using dot-notation or set(obj, param, val). HISTOGRAM2
is called with the parameters {'DisplayStyle', 'tile', 'ShowEmptyBins', 'off',
'EdgeColor', 'none'}, which can be overridden by specifying the respective
Name-Value pairs during plot creation or by accessing the returned object's property
'Histogram'. Optional Name-Value pairs of this function support those specified
below and all Name-Value pairs as accepted by HISTOGRAM2.


histogram2Polar(theta, rho);
histogram2Polar(theta, rho, binWidth);
histogram2Polar(theta, rho, binWidth, Name, Value);
histogram2Polar(target, ___);
h = histogram2Polar(___);

[...] (See documentation and GitHub repository)

인용 양식

Frederick Zittrell (2024). histogram2Polar (https://github.com/zifredder/histogram2Polar), GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2019a
R2017a 이상 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux
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