Multivariate phase synchrony analysis of EEG

버전 1.0.0 (23.7 KB) 작성자: Amir Omidvarnia
This package implements several generalized phase synchrony measures for EEG analysis.
다운로드 수: 174
업데이트 날짜: 2018/12/23

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This package is associated with the functions and analyses of our paper:

Payam Shahsavari Baboukani, Ghasem Azemi, Boualem Boashash, Paul Colditz, Amir Omidvarnia,
A novel multivariate phase synchrony measure: Application to multichannel newborn EEG analysis,
Digital Signal Processing, Volume 84, 2019, Pages 59-68, ISSN 1051-2004

We acknowledge the following references in our implementation:

Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab:

Hyper-Torus Synchrony (HTS) measure from M. Al-Khassaweneh, M. Villafañe-Delgado, A. Y. Mutlu and S. Aviyente, "A Measure of Multivariate Phase Synchrony Using Hyperdimensional Geometry," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 2774-2787, June1, 2016.

인용 양식

Baboukani, Payam Shahsavari, et al. “A Novel Multivariate Phase Synchrony Measure: Application to Multichannel Newborn EEG Analysis.” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 84, Elsevier BV, Jan. 2019, pp. 59–68, doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2018.08.019.

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