spatialcorr2( varargin)

버전 (2.98 KB) 작성자: ANKUR KUMAR
Spatial Correlation of 2D datasets (without having timesteps)
다운로드 수: 230
업데이트 날짜: 2018/1/9

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%Created by Ankur Kumar Wednesday; January 03, 2018
% Version: 1.0
% National Institute of Techonology, Rourkela
% Rourkela, Odisa - 769008, India
% Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
% Email:
% Function:
% (Not recommended) If you have hourly or half hourly or 6 hourly
% data, then it is recommended to include time steps in your data
% sets and use spatialcorr3.
% spatialcorr2 uses interpolation of data sets on its finer grids
% and then find the correlation of the matrix formed by
% interpolating the data into its subgrids (Between two grid point of latitude and longitude, it divided
% the grides into its subgrids.). Interpolating the
% data swallow the accuracy of data sets. That's why, it''s not
% recommended. (For details, see the documentation)
% Syntax:
% C=spatialcorr2(lon,lat, data1,data2 );
% First and second input should be longitudes and latitudes of
% the data set. Third and fourth input should be the data between
% which you want to find spatial correlation.
% By default, fifth argument is set to 7. This means that
% function divided the corresponding grids into 7 subgrids and
% then it interpolates.
% Example:
% C=spatialcorr2(lon,lat, data1,data2 );
% Please send your suggestions to the email id: or

인용 양식

ANKUR KUMAR (2024). spatialcorr2( varargin) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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