Multidimensional Image Array Importer

버전 (14.6 MB) 작성자: Brian DuChez
Import multidimensional arrays (XYZCT) and OME-XML metadata to the MATLAB workspace
다운로드 수: 82
업데이트 날짜: 2017/10/11

라이선스 보기

The GUI uses BioFormats matlab files to import multidimensional arrays (XYZCT) and OME-XML metadata to the MATLAB workspace.
Create a structure (I) containing three fields... name of the image file with XYZCT dimensions
I.img: image array
I.meta: OME-XML metadata
New images can be appended to the structure in sequential elements (i.e. I(1), I(2), .... I(n)).
To use:
1. Select 'Import' found under the File menu.
2. Navigate to your image file of interest and open. (the list_box will be populated with metadata for images including the series #, X, Y, Z, channel and time dimensions). If image file contains multiple series, each series will be listed separately.
3. Click on an image in the list_box to import image data directly to the workspace.
4. Select as many images as you wish to be appended to the structure, I.
5. Select 'Clear' under the File menu to reset list_box menu and start fresh.

인용 양식

Brian DuChez (2024). Multidimensional Image Array Importer (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2015a
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