Multilanguage Color Management Class

버전 (39.8 KB) 작성자: Adil Sbai
A Color class which facilitates color management in MATLAB 2D/3D graphics.
다운로드 수: 290
업데이트 날짜: 2017/5/4

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This class stores an extended list of colors by their full name and their corresponding 1x3 RGB (e.g. Red-Green-Blue) arrays in a single container map.
Color Properties:
All this class properties are protected or private to promote object oriented reuse.
Color Methods:

language - returns the language used by the current instance of Color to identify clor keys. Supported languages are english, french, and spanish.

rgb - returns the RGB triplet array of one or more colors identified by their name. If a color does not fit inside the list of supported colors it is simply ignored. When input colors is a cell string each line in the returned RGB matrix corresponds to one color.

list - prints a list of supported colors by this class into the console.

colors - returns the list of supported colors as a cell string.

plot - plots a graphic/chart of all supported colors which could be used to quickly localize a given color name.


(1) list available colors:

(2) plot a chart of all available colors:

(3) get RGB color triplet for 'Maroon:
[RGB,~] = rgb(Color,'Maroon')
0.5020 0 0

(4) get RGB color matrx for colors 'Beige' 'Maroon' 'SeaShell' and 'deep pink' plus one erroneous color name (neglected):
rgb(Color,{'Beige' 'Maroon' 'SeaShell' 'deep pink' 'error'})
ans =
0.9608 0.9608 0.8627
0.5020 0 0
1.0000 0.9608 0.9333
1.0000 0.0784 0.5765

(5) plot the sine function with a 'deep pink' color:
plot(linspace(0,2*pi,100),sin(linspace(0,2*pi,100)), 'color',rgb(Color,'deep pink'));

(6) load a Color object with French color names, get RGB triplet for 'orchidée sombre' color, and plot a chart with French colors:
clr_fr = Color('Language','francais');
rgb(clr_fr,'orchidée sombre')
ans =
0.6000 0.1961 0.8000

(7) load a Color object with Spanish color names, get RGB triplet for 'azul' color, and plot a chart with Spanish colors:
clr_es = Color('Language','espanol');
ans =
0 0 1


[1] 'RGB Color Codes Chart',

[2] 'HTML Color Codes',

[3] 'CSS Color Module Level 3',


1.0 - Released 27/04/2017
Compatible with the RGB Color Codes Chart see reference [1].

2.0 - Released 02/05/2017
Compatible also with HTML/CSS3 color codes (see references [2,3]).
Accepts case insensitive color names so 'darksalmon', 'dark salmon', 'DarkSalmon', 'Dark Salmon' are all equivalent.
Some functions were renamed (i.e. getRGB to rgb, and plotColors changed to plot).

3.0 - Released 03/05/2017
Add French and Spanish languages support.

인용 양식

Adil Sbai (2024). Multilanguage Color Management Class (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Add support for French and Spanish languages.

Compatible with HTML/CSS3 color codes. Accepts case insensitive color names. Some functions were renamed.

Formatting description text