
버전 (3.05 MB) 작성자: Iskander Benhadj
다운로드 수: 38
업데이트 날짜: 2017/2/19

This is a Matlab script for reading the PROBA-V S1/S10 products in an easy and handy way. It is developed because there was a high need from end users to be able to extract and read the PROBA-V images and convert them to an easy format to work with (e.g standard IDL/ENVI format).
->bin folder : folder containing the h5dump binary executable for HDF5 data extraction
->cfg folder : folder containing the layers.txt ascii file for the HDF5 layer selection
->input folder : folder to be used as input, all the HDF5 to be converted need to be copied in this folder (two samples are present)
->output folder : folder used by the conversion tool to store the output files
pv_read.m : Matlab script to convert the PROBA-V S1-TOC, S1-TOA and S10-TOC HDF5 files into IDL/ENVI files
./cfg/layers.txt : ascii file for user HDF5 layer's selection


1- Under the cfg folder, use the layers.txt file to select the layers that need to be extracted from the HDF5 PROBA-V product.
to do that, add simply this character # behind the layer to be ignored
e.g. the layers.txt configuration below will extract only the TOA images from the HDF5 products, all other layers (e.g 'LEVEL3/GEOMETRY/SAA') are ignored


2- Run the matlab script pv_read.m
3- The output files are stored in the output folder using this convention
4- Enjoy

인용 양식

Iskander Benhadj (2024). iskandervito/PROBA-V-S1-S10-product-Matlab-reader (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2013b
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