
버전 1.0.1 (1.4 MB) 작성자: Marc Jakobi
Model of a thermal storage tank based on the TRNSYS "MULTIPORT Store-Model" Type 340 by H. Drueck
다운로드 수: 287
업데이트 날짜: 2021/10/27




Since I no longer use Matlab, I cannot actively maintain this model. I will gladly accept PRs, as long as I can review them without Matlab.

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Model of a thermal storage tank based on the TRNSYS "MULTIPORT Store-Model" Type 340 by H. Drueck

Source: H. Drueck - MULTIPORT Store-Model for TRNSYS >- Stratified fluid storage tank with four internal heat exchangers, ten connections for direct charge and discharge and an internal electrical heater > Type 340 Version 1.99F, March 2006 (Accessed 19.12.2016)

For the purpose of simplification of the use, some of the input arguments are set as constant properties in this model.

mtype340 Methods:

  • mtype340 - Initiates a model of a thermal storage tank based on the "MULTIPORT Store-Model" Type 340 (TRNSYS)
  • simulate - Pass simulation variables to MTYPE340 object and update.


A PDF documentation of the model (in German) is available here.

Otherwise, please refer to the example script.

인용 양식

Marc Jakobi (2024). mtype340 (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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