Multivar 3.0 - A MIMO toolbox application

버전 (5.15 MB) 작성자: Crystal Blackwell
A MIMO Control Analysis and Design toolbox
다운로드 수: 835
업데이트 날짜: 2017/12/1

라이선스 보기

Allows the user to create and load square or non-square LTI or LTI approximated systems with or without dead time. Allows the user to analyse these models, to perform either decoupling or control or both decoupling and control on the system. Allows the user to evaluate the control design and to save, export or compare the control design with other designs.

인용 양식

Crystal Blackwell (2024). Multivar 3.0 - A MIMO toolbox application (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2017b
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux

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Multivar 3/

Multivar 3/Controlcomp/

Multivar 3/Controlevaluation/

Multivar 3/Controlsynthesis/

Multivar 3/Controlsynthesis/Controller/outputfb/

Multivar 3/Controlsynthesis/Controller/statefb/

Multivar 3/Controlsynthesis/Decoupling/SFB/

Multivar 3/Controlsynthesis/Decoupling/SVD/

Multivar 3/Initialisation/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/decoptest/sfbdtest/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/decoptest/svddtest/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/freqresp/bode/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/freqresp/genyquist/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/freqresp/nichols/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/freqresp/nyquist/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/frstranalsys/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/iopairing/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/obsvctrl/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/polzero/iopz/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/polzero/pz/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/ssstranalys/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/transforms/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/transresp/impulse/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/transresp/parabolic/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/transresp/ramp/

Multivar 3/Modelanalysis/transresp/step/

Multivar 3/Modelapprox/

Multivar 3/Modelcreation/

Multivar 3/Simulinksim/

Multivar 3/Systemexplore/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/freqresp/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/freqresp/arrowh/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/iopairing/rga/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/iopairing/svd/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/singandcn/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/transformation/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/transformation/graphics/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/analysis/transresp/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/ctrlsynthesis/control/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/ctrlsynthesis/decouple/sfb/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/ctrlsynthesis/decouple/svd/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/ctrlsynthesis/general/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/ctrlsynthesis/iopairing/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/evaluation/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/forsimulink/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/general/chkfunctions/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/general/guidegraphics/matrixmap/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/general/guidegraphics/uitabletcolors/

Multivar 3/genfunctions/modelling/

Multivar 3/Simulinksim/controlmod/

Multivar 3/Simulinksim/decopmod/

Multivar 3/Simulinksim/sysmod/

버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Upgrade for use with MATLAB 2017b. Performance indices functions added and incorporated into GUI. More functions added to function mode.

1. Read Me.pdf renamed Quick Start Guide.
2. User Guide added.
Read me added.
Updated the help statements in some of the non GUI-based functions.
Updated the help files for non-GUI based functions.
Fixed typos in the description.