
버전 (673 KB) 작성자: Bryan
Radiocarbon (14C) age calibration using Bayesian statistics.
다운로드 수: 196
업데이트 날짜: 2021/5/18

편집자 메모: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

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Radiocarbon (14C) age calibration using Bayesian statistics. Produces publication quality calibration plots, 1 sigma (68.27%) and 2 sigma (95.45%) calibrated age probabilities calculated using highest posterior density, as well as a probability density function of calibrated age for use in age modelling. Calibration output can be in either cal BP or BCE/CE (BC/AD), and a reservoir age can be specified if necessary. The user can choose from a number of calibration curves, including the latest version of IntCal.

인용 양식

Bryan (2024). MatCal (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2012a
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