Backer-Upper Truck Simulator with Fuzzy Control

버전 (31.7 KB) 작성자: Fernando Freitas Alves
Struct to create truck and a dock object and simulate with keyboard arrows
다운로드 수: 607
업데이트 날짜: 2016/3/24

라이선스 보기

Struct to create truck and a dock object and simulate with keyboard arrows.
truck.m: Handle object that simulates a truck with a cabin and a truck.
dock.m: Handle object that simulates a dock.
logic.m: Creates a fuzzy logic control for this problem (see the file for more information of how to use other fuzzy files)
d = dock([17,50],0);
d.minDistance = 3;
d.minOrientation = 45;
t = truck(d.position+[20 0]);
t.supressWarnings = 1;
h = t.plot('','','','hold');
while ishandle(h) && ~strcmp(t.lastPressedKey, 'escape')
t.move; % this enables user to control the truck with keyboard arrows (spacebar resets steering)
h = t.plot('next','b','','hold');
if d.docked(t,'message'), break, end
See html file for more help.
See example_simulation.m for more examples that uses fuzzy logic control.

Attention: if the response speed is slow with MATLAB 2016a, try using MATLAB 2015b.

인용 양식

Fernando Freitas Alves (2024). Backer-Upper Truck Simulator with Fuzzy Control (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2015b
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