Nonlinear Threshold Tests

버전 1.0 (7.77 KB) 작성자: Alexander
Implements a Wald-like test for a nonlinear threshold model.
다운로드 수: 170
업데이트 날짜: 2015/12/2

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Implements a Wald-type test for the threshold model

when the nuisance parameter (delta) is not identified under the nil. It can even be unknown in value. For a technical discussion compare Hansen (1996) "Inference when a nuisance parameter is not identified under the null hypothesis". Dentler, Rojas and Olmo (2014) "Endogeneity in threshold nonlinearity tests" discuss that under mild conditions the Wald test is valid even when x and u are correlated (x is endogenous).

The routine effectively reports the p-values for a conventional test of significance using a mean, sup and exponential average a la Andrews and Ploberger (1994) "Optimal Tests when a Nuisance Paramtere is Present Only under the Alternative".

The routine also encompasses a model of the form


For an example see help

인용 양식

Alexander (2024). Nonlinear Threshold Tests (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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