Validated Input Function

버전 (5.28 KB) 작성자: Sky Sartorius
Like the built-in input function but with the ability to impose constraints and checks on user input
다운로드 수: 325
업데이트 날짜: 2015/10/16

라이선스 보기

s = VALIDATEDINPUT(prompt,'s',validStrings) will process the input S using s = validatestring(S,validStrings).
k = VALIDATEDINPUT(prompt,classes,attributes) checks the input A using validateattributes(A,classes,attributes).

k = VALIDATEDINPUT(prompt,validationFcn) checks the input using the provided validationFcn.

If the user input provided at the prompt is invalid, the user will be informed of the reason why and re-prompted until a valid input is given.

인용 양식

Sky Sartorius (2024). Validated Input Function (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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