PGRID | Create a grid of uipanels for plots or GUIs. Merge and split panels to suit your needs.

버전 (5.37 KB) 작성자: Bob Spunt
Easy generation of a grid of UIPANELS for your plotting or GUI building needs.
다운로드 수: 116
업데이트 날짜: 2015/11/7

PGRID allows easy generation of a grid of UIPANELS in MATLAB for your plotting or GUI building needs. Once you've created a grid, use PMERGE to merge adjacent panels into a single uipanel, and PSPLIT to split a single panel vertically or horizontally. I originally coded this for arranging UICONTROLS in GUIs, but have found that it also works quite well as an alternative to SUBPLOT.
The two auxiliary functions PMERGE and PSPLIT are at present poorly documented and could use more rigorous testing. Please report any issues you have in a comment, thanks!

인용 양식

Bob Spunt (2024). PGRID | Create a grid of uipanels for plots or GUIs. Merge and split panels to suit your needs. (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2015a
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