
버전 (14.6 KB) 작성자: Ben Oeveren
Detects intercept at certain threshold with the input signal based on the given requirements.
다운로드 수: 192
업데이트 날짜: 2016/3/19

라이선스 보기

% [up,down] = findintercept(Yin), detects the intercept with signal Yin
% Options: 'Threshold','MinGradient','InterceptWidthRange',...
% 'MinInterceptDistance','MinInterceptAvarage','MinPeakHeight'
% followed by a number and Method: 'Linear','Nearest'
% 'Threshold': Gives the intercept with Yin
% 'MinSlope': The slope calculated from the first neighbour peak to
% neighbour valley. Supports both single value and range.
% 'InterceptWidthRange': Minimal and maximal width between intercepting points.
% Supports both single value and range. Starts with first up or down. To
% force a start use 'StartPair'.
% 'MinInterceptDistance': Distance between intercept points of either downward
% or upward intercepts.
% 'MinInterceptAvarage': Avarage over points above or under the intercept.
% Supports both single value and two values for averages above and below threshold.
% 'StartPair': 0,'Up','Down','First'_ forces starting with an
% upward or downward slope. By default it will start without any
% pre-settings (0);
% 'NIntercepts': specifies the maximum number of intercepts
% Optional output:
% no output = figure with results
% varargout{1} = Av; %Average between intercept points
% varargout{2} = slope; %Slope of intercepting point
% varargout{3} = x; %x after interpolation
% varargout{4} = Yin; %Y after interpolation
% Ben van Oeveren, 19-03-2016: added startPair: 0 as default

인용 양식

Ben Oeveren (2024). findintercept(Yin,varargin) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2015a
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

% Ben van Oeveren, 19-03-2016: added startPair: 0 as default

% update 5-10-2015: added peakSum to output, added threshold arrays

Solved some issues