NEWFUNC | Create a new MATLAB function using a customizable template

버전 (4.81 KB) 작성자: Bob Spunt
Create a new MATLAB function using a customizable template
다운로드 수: 392
업데이트 날짜: 2016/10/31

Create a custom template for a MATLAB function with nicely formatted documentation.
Optional arguments include (for each, default values can be easily modified at top of function code):
- # of necessary arguments
- # of optional arguments (i.e., VARARGIN) [parsed as 'name', value pairs - see below for more info]
- # of output arguments
- description of function to include at top of help doc
- width of section dividers
- author name and author email for automatically generated COPYRIGHT section
- flag to include EXAMPLE section in documentation
- flag to include CREDITS section in documentation
- output directory for created m-file
- flag to open m-file in default editor after creation
When optional arguments are specified, NEWFUNC will automatically create a cell array at the beginning of the code for defining the default values of optional arguments, and will add the File Exchange contribution SETARGS to the created m-file as a subfunction. SETARGS is then called to parse VARARGIN to determine which default values to override.

Finally, by default NEWFUNC will always add a subfunction called MFILE_SHOWHELP to the created m-file. This is a utility that prints the help doc for the m-file to the command window when the function is called without any arguments.

인용 양식

Bob Spunt (2024). NEWFUNC | Create a new MATLAB function using a customizable template (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2015a
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux
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