Average over repetitions in Excel table

버전 (12.9 KB) 작성자: Wei-Rong Chen
Read Excel table and average the data over unnecessary factors (repetitions)
다운로드 수: 126
업데이트 날짜: 2015/4/11

라이선스 보기

% Read Excel work sheet and average the data over unnecessary factors (repetitions).
% 'IndepVaribles' lists all the reserved factors, which will remain in the output.
% Those columns not included in as 'IndepVaribles' are considered as 'repetitions'.
% Data columns will be automatically detected (Search for columns containing numerical data from the last column).
% Example:
% IndepVariables={'Subj','Target'}; XlsFName = 'data.xlsx';
% NewXlsCell=ReadXlsAverageAcrossRep(XlsFName, IndepVariables);
% Input Excel sheet :
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Subj Target FName data1 data2 data3
% F01 p R001 2 2 2
% F01 p R002 1 1 1
% F01 t R004 3 3 3
% F01 t R006 2 2 2
% F03 k R039 1 1 1
% F03 k R042 2 2 2
% F03 k R053 3 3 3
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Output Excel sheet :
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Subj Target data1 data2 data3
% F01 p 1.5 1.5 1.5
% F01 t 2.5 2.5 2.5
% F03 k 2 2 2
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

인용 양식

Wei-Rong Chen (2024). Average over repetitions in Excel table (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50467-average-over-repetitions-in-excel-table), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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