Automatic flow chart

Automatic flow chart for the visualisation of power or losses repartition
다운로드 수: 416
업데이트 날짜: 2014/8/29

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H = FUN_FLOWCHART(LOSSES,POUT) plot a flowchart diagram, useful for energie and power synthesis. LOSSES is a vector with the various considered losses and POUT is the considered usefull power.H is a figure handler.


LOSSES = [0.3 5 3 2]; % Watts
POUT = 10; % Watts
h = fun_flowchart(LOSSES,POUT)

H = FUN_FLOWCHART(LOSSES,POUT,TXT) add label for each loss and/or the input and output power.The input power is the output power plus the losses ;-). CELL is a cell array.


LOSSES = [0.3 5 3 2]; % Watts
POUT = 10; % Watts
TXT = {'motor' 'wheel/road' 'wind' 'reductor'}
h = fun_flowchart(LOSSES,POUT,TXT)

LOSSES = [0.3 5 3 2]; % Watts
POUT = 10; % Watts
TXT = {'motor' 'wheel/road' 'wind' 'reductor' 'to the wheel' 'fuel'}
h = fun_flowchart(LOSSES,POUT,TXT)

H = FUN_FLOWCHART(LOSSES,POUT,TXT,UNIT) permits to define the flow unit. UNIT is a string like UNIT='kW'


LOSSES = [0.3 5 3 2]; % Watts
POUT = 10; % Watts
TXT = {'motor' 'wheel/road' 'wind' 'reductor' 'to the wheel' 'fuel'}
UNIT = 'kW'
h = fun_flowchart(LOSSES,POUT,TXT,UNIT)

H = FUN_FLOWCHART(LOSSES,POUT,TXT,K) permits to adjust the arrows size. K must be between 0 and 1.

H = FUN_FLOWCHART(LOSSES,POUT,TXT,UNIT,K) permits to use the FLOWCHART function with all the options.

인용 양식

jean-christophe OLIVIER (2024). Automatic flow chart (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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