
버전 (123 KB) 작성자: Mingjing Zhang
MATLAB replica of the viral mobile game "Flappy Bird"
다운로드 수: 32.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2016/4/4

Flappybird for MATLAB
Author: Mingjing Zhang

As one of the most popular games on app stores before being taken down, Flappy Bird does not need any further introduction. Now, it has come back alive, on MATLAB.

This implementation is intentionally made to replicate the user experience of the original game, with all physical dimensions of objects being identical. The gravity and 'jumping pulse' are also carefully adjusted so that they match the original as closely as possible.

*MATLAB R2014a is recommended for this game to achieve the best graphical performance

Simply execute flappybird.m. Alternatively, you can install "Flappy Bird.mlappinstal" as a MATLAB app.

Spacebar/Return/Uparrow/W/ -> Jump/Start game/Restart game;
ESC -> Quit Game.

This game app features a few technique breakthroughs that I utilize in a game for the first time. For instance, the bird sprite is represented as a SURFACE object, as opposed to an IMAGE object, so that it can easily rotate at any angle.

** If you encounter any problem, or have any suggestions / feedbacks, please drop a comment down below. **

Enjoy the endless flapping!

인용 양식

Mingjing Zhang (2024). RoteAugen/flappybird-for-matlab (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2014a
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Migrated to github
Updated a note clarifying that MATLAB 2014a is the best environment for this game.
Reinserted the description deleted by system after migrating to github
Oct 10, 2014
* Tested with R2014b

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