DOTNOT - Dot Notation

버전 (12.6 KB) 작성자: Peter Rydesäter
Implements a replacement interface to GET/SET for graphic/gui options.
다운로드 수: 10.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2003/9/29

라이선스 보기

DOTNOT - "Dot Notation" toolbox to replace set/get with simpler syntax.

This Toolbox implements a replacement to the calls set/get that make your code easier write and understand. Especially if you write GUIs and advanced plots. The main intention is to show how this kind of notation can look in MATLAB rather than making a proper implementation.

What do you think? I will not give any support on this BetaBetaDemoVersion ;-)Some one interested in turning this to a real implementation? Take it!

First of all before using this: "addpath" to the .../dotnot/ folder!!!

====I will explain the differens with some examples===

Move mouse pointer 10 pixels to the right, Classic and dotnot examples:

set(0,'PointerLocation',get(0,'PointerLocation')+[0 10]);

Root.PointerLocation=Root.PointerLocation + [10 0]

Move poiner to middle of screen,, Classic and dotnot examples:



'Root' corresponds to handle 0 in MATLAB. In this toolbox you must create a 'dotnot' object of the handle first before using 'dotnot' notation. If MathWorks implemented it they could easily make things much better than I can. For example could they make 'Root' to a "auto global" object without need of creating it in every function/workspace. You create a handle object with the object constructor:

Root=dotnot(0); % Its good to always create the Root object.
dotnot % Or do the same with this syntax.
Fig123=dotnot(1,2,3); % Create one handle to figure 1, 2 and 3.

Root.Children.Color='Green'; % Change color of all figures.

Fig123.Color='Green'; % Change color of figure 1 2 and 3

posmtx=Fig123.vcat.Position % Get nice array of all window position.
Fig123.Position(4)=160 % Change width of all three figures.
Fig123.delete; % Delete all windows.

Fig=Root.fig('Test window'); % Open new window and create dotnot object.
Fig.findobj('Type','Line').LineWidth=2 %Change all lines to thick.

Root.fig('New')=gca; % Copy axis a new window.
Root.self=Fig; % Create a copy of figure to Root


As you can se I have inserted some functions in the tree-structure
objects and it setting. This function can be powerfull to copy
objects, or open a new window.

(C) 2003 Peter Rydesäter, GPL License, se License file from GNU.

인용 양식

Peter Rydesäter (2024). DOTNOT - Dot Notation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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