4-Nearest Neighbor on iris recognition using randomized partitioning.

버전 (2.04 KB) 작성자: lavya Gavshinde
Matlab Script to find the 4 - nearest neighbors (kNN) for IRIS dataset
다운로드 수: 1.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2012/8/15

라이선스 보기

% 1: Load iris.mat file which contains Iris data and its label
% seperately.
% 2: Randomize the order of data for each iternation so that new sets of
% training and test data are formed.
% The training data is of having size of Nxd where N is the number of
% measurements and d is the number of variables of the training data.
% Similarly the size of the test data is Mxd where M is the number of
% measurements and d is the number of variables of the test data.

% 3: For each observation in test data, we compute the euclidean distance
% from each obeservation in training data.
% 4: We evalutate 'k' nearest neighbours among them and store it in an
% array.
% 5: We apply the label for which distance is minimum
% 5.1: In case of a tie, we randomly label the class.
% 6: Return the class label.
% 7: Compute confusion matrix.

인용 양식

lavya Gavshinde (2024). 4-Nearest Neighbor on iris recognition using randomized partitioning. (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37827-4-nearest-neighbor-on-iris-recognition-using-randomized-partitioning), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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