
버전 (9.59 KB) 작성자: Samuel Cheng
It converts bibtex item to a formatted citation item.
다운로드 수: 279
업데이트 날짜: 2012/4/25

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-Why I wrote this?
I mostly use Latex but occasionally I write in Word since it is more convenient for some of my collaborators. Since I don't use windows anymore, Endnote is not an option. Mendeley and Zotero can do the same thing too. But I found that often I don't really pull my reference from a library and instead I did search the reference again with google scholar and it gives me a quick and dirty bibtex output. For Latex, I would simply copy to my bib file. But for Word/Text, I would like to convert it some how and here comes "bibconv".

-How to use?
Assumed that you "installed" everything (please read below for "installation"), simply copy bibtex entry to the upper box and click convert. The formatted citation will be displayed in the lower box.

bibconv is just a wrapper of pdflatex, bibtex, and pdftotext. You will need them to do the real job. For Linux, if you install Kile, most likely you will get everything installed and you will get the best Latex editor possible (Kile rocks!). For windows, you will need to install miktex. bibconv will try to look for the executables. You will also need to "install" pdftotext too. It is included in the xpdf package. Simply google it and copy to the current folder. It is a small file. But unfortunately, matlab central does not allow me to include .exe file inside the package.

인용 양식

Samuel Cheng (2024). bibconv (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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