File Name Search Function

버전 (1.75 KB) 작성자: Tristan Ursell
Generate a list of file names that meet a set of text search criteria.
다운로드 수: 349
업데이트 날짜: 2012/3/22

라이선스 보기

Tristan Ursell
File Finder
March 2012

filenames = filefinder('searchpath','searchterm1','seartchterm2',...);

This function will return a list of file names that contain all of the given search terms. All entries to this function should be strings. All search terms are case sensitive!

filenames is a cell array.

Conceptual Example:

Let's presume that within 'searchpath' there are, in total, five files:

1) future.txt
2) predictions.txt
3) future predictions.txt
4) predilections.txt
5) predictions for future.txt

Using the search term '.txt' returns a cell array with all five file names.

Using the search term 'tions' returns a cell array with filenames 2 through 5.

Using the serach term 'future' returns a cell array with filenames 1,3, and 5.

Using the search terms 'future' and 'prediction' returns a cell array with filenames 3 and 5.

Using the search term 'future prediction' returns a cell array with only filename 3. Thus one can combine two independent search terms in an ordered search term.

인용 양식

Tristan Ursell (2025). File Name Search Function (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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