Analytical Approximation of American Put option derived by G. BARONE-ADESI and R. E. WHALEY 1987.

버전 (9.8 KB) 작성자: Haidar Haidar
This computes an approximation of American Put option value and can plot it against asset's price
다운로드 수: 500
업데이트 날짜: 2012/1/31

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Efficient Analytical Approximation of American Option Values G. BARONE-ADESI and R. E. WHALEY 1987.

This code computes the Put option approximation derived in the above paper. A critical share price value S_SS is computed and is an output together with put value and the corresponding asset's price. The Put value for S<S_SS is E-S where when S>S_SS American_Put=European_Put+EE ( EE is Early Exercise premium). This model approximate the Early Exercise premium which follows the Black-Scholes partial differential equation.

인용 양식

Haidar Haidar (2024). Analytical Approximation of American Put option derived by G. BARONE-ADESI and R. E. WHALEY 1987. (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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