Capacity of Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)

버전 (1.06 KB) 작성자: Abdulrahman Siddiq
returns the channel capacity in bits per transmitted symbol
다운로드 수: 526
업데이트 날짜: 2011/10/24

라이선스 보기

% Capacity of Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)
% function [c,pxy,py]=cap_bsc(px,pe) returns the channel capacity in bits
% per transmitted symbol, the joint probability distribution of the
% input and output of the BSC channel and the probability distribution of
% the BSC output symbols. px is a 2-element vector representing the
% pobability distribution of the input bits (0 and 1). pe is the
% probability of error of the BSC.
% When the resulting channel capacity c is multiplied by the transmission
% rate (given in symbol/second), the maximum bit rate is got, which
% repesents the channel capacity in bits/s.
% By: Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq
% Kirkuk - IRAQ
% Monday Oct.24th 2011 8:07 PM

인용 양식

Abdulrahman Siddiq (2024). Capacity of Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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