Wavelet Packet Modulation and Demodulation

버전 (2.41 KB) 작성자: Abdulrahman Siddiq
WPM and WPDM used in simulating N-band Discrete Wavelet Multitone Transmission.
다운로드 수: 787
업데이트 날짜: 2011/10/16

라이선스 보기

function y=wpm(x,N,wname);
% N-band wavelet packet modulator.
% y is a 1-D signal reconstructed from N equal-length data streams arranged
% as the rows of the matix x. The idwt function is used with the required
% wavelet family denoted by the input wname.
% The value of N represents the number of bands and it must be an integer
% power of 2.
% The periodization mode is selected for data extension.
% This function is built by Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq Oct-4th-2011 9:30pm.

function x=wpdm(y,N,wname);

% N-band wavelet packet demodulator.
% y is a 1-D signal is analysed to N equal-length data streams arranged
% as the rows of the matix x. The dwt function is used with the required
% wavelet family denoted by the input wname.
% The value of N represents the number of bands and it must be an integer
% power of 2.
% The periodization mode is selected for data extension.
% This function is built by Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq Oct-4th-2011 9:45pm.

인용 양식

Abdulrahman Siddiq (2024). Wavelet Packet Modulation and Demodulation (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/33291-wavelet-packet-modulation-and-demodulation), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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